The modern workplace has been changing rapidly in recent years – right before our eyes. Although technology is ever-present (both in our everyday lives and in the workplace), sometimes the abundance of information we experience is still not presented to us in the correct context.
With technology developing so rapidly, however, new opportunities are presenting themselves. A lack of context is just one of the problems that can be solved quickly and easily by using modern ways of working – which is why augmented business solutions have the potential to change the way we perceive reality as a whole.
At Konica Minolta, we are passionate about creating new technologies to provide international enterprises, start-ups, academics and partner organisations with the innovative solutions they need. Why? Because we want you to benefit from the vast experience of Konica Minolta and introduce augmented vision into your workplace, integrated into your marketing campaigns and make it part of your everyday life.Konica Minolta works together with leaders in augmented reality technology, continuously striving to develop solutions designed to solve problems faster, view business insights in the context of the customer, and revolutionise the way we all interact with and digest information. The outcome of this is aa portfolio of augmented business solutions which allows you to see the world differently through your smart device.
Mobile OCR gives powerful computer vision and scanning functionalities to your mobile app, so you can benefit from augmented print. It lets you effortlessly scan packaging, posters and flyers to analyse data online, recognise handwriting, scan text – and even translate it – in just a matter of seconds. You can also prepare digital marketing campaigns, deploy AR to help you navigate indoors and outdoors, and manipulate 3D prototypes with your co-workers around the world. Augmented reality technology offers unimaginable opportunities. Konica Minolta makes them real.
Smartphones can make print talk. Point one at a AR code on a product, and presto! The product can tell you about itself, or it can invite you to join a contest. This is what is known as Augmented Reality or AR. Outside, on the street, AR can alert you to special deals available in a nearby retail outlet. Or you could use AR to find your way around an unfamiliar location. Konica Minolta offers mobile applications for AR as well as content management and content creation.
Bring print to life with genARate, our Augmented Reality solution for print.
Konica Minolta offers AR solutions for organizations and development teams, so that they can build their own use-cases. However, we will be more than happy to hear about your needs and challenges. Our specialised team will provide you with the necessary information allowing you to make a decision that is the best for your business. Contact us and find out more.